put "This cup is filled with a slimy brown bubbling liquid." into field "Info"
pass opencard
end opencard
-- part 1 (button)
-- low flags: 00
-- high flags: A003
-- rect: left=161 top=302 right=323 bottom=192
-- title width / last selected line: 0
-- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
-- text alignment: 1
-- font id: 0
-- text size: 12
-- style flags: 0
-- line height: 16
-- part name: OK
----- HyperTalk script -----
on mouseUp
global filter
if filter is "yes" then
exit mouseup
end if
global donteat
get bkgnd field "do what"
if the number of words in it > 1 then
beep 2
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "fill" then
put "The cup is already full." into field "info"
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "examine" or it contains "look" then
send "opencard" to this card
exit mouseUp
end if
if it contains "give" or it contains "offer"then
ask "To whom would you like to give the coffee?"
if it is "" then exit mouseup
if it contains "drool" or it contains "guard" or it contains"officer" or it contains "man"then
global position
if position is"guard post" then
global inventory
if inventory contains "coffee" then
put "The Drool looks at the coffee and begins to drool."& " ""e&"Thanks,""e&" he mutters, and walks away." into field "info"
global posthide
put "yes" into posthide
exit mouseup
end if
end if
put "The "&it&" is not interested in the coffee." into field "Info"
exit mouseup
end if
end if
if it contains "eat" or it contains "consume" or it contains "drink" then
put "The moment you raise the cup to your lips, you know you've"& " done the wrong thing. The coffee quickly takes control of "& "your body, and within seconds you are lying limp on the floor."& " That's the last time you drink Droolish coffee.≈∏"into field "info"
global filter
put "yes" into filter
exit mouseup
end if
if it is "" then
put "Speak up. I can't hear you." into field "info"
exit mouseup
end if
global cuphide
if it contains "get" then
put "You already have the coffee." into field "info"
exit mouseup
end if
if it contains "drop" then
put "You should save the coffee in case it should come"& "in handy later on." into field "info"